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A Message from Jake

Why Beacon? Why Now?
A beacon is lit in times of emergency. It is a signal, a call for support. A beacon answered could turn the tide of a battle, save an ecosystem, or lead to the rescue of what might otherwise have been lost. A timely beacon could be the difference between success and disaster.
Beacons signify emergencies, but they are also signs of hope. In spite of dire times, I still hold out hope for a better world. In fact, I see signs of it all around me.

Building a Better Web
Imagine the internet as a series of virtual destinations that connect you to the real world. One destination may keep you in contact with an old friend, another might connect you with like-minded folks in your community, and yet another might be a common interest hub for information, organization, and action.

So How Does it Work?
Whenever I explain what it will be like to use Beacon, I am always tempted to bring up video games. In so many of the digital games I played as a kid, I was equipped with simple, powerful tools to help me navigate and succeed in virtual worlds.

More Social, Less Media
Facebook is a business; its goal is to make money through offering a huge, captivating social media network. Beacon, on the other hand, is a non-profit; our goal is to be a useful tool for connection between people.

Respecting Our User’s Attention
When it comes to sustaining strong communities, information and resources are hugely important. However, both are useless if we don’t know what to do with them. How can we best match our abilities and offerings with community needs?

Better Ways to Connect
Building a network for people, not profits.
Looking around today, sometimes it feels like the more time we spend online, the easier it is to feel disconnected from the world around us.

The Power of Connection
There is nothing more powerful than the cooperation of empowered individuals. A single person may be a master of skill or craft, but there will always be a narrow channel of what may be accomplished alone. Together, that channel expands and spills open to literally limitless potential.