Why Beacon? Why Now?
A beacon is lit in times of emergency. It is a signal to others, a call for support. A beacon answered could turn the tide of a battle, save an ecosystem, or lead to the rescue of what might have been lost. A timely beacon could be the difference between success and disaster.
Life goes on, but it is getting harder to deny that we increasingly live in times of emergency. The effects of climate change continue to spin out of control, while grave injustices in America and beyond go largely unaddressed. Add to that a global pandemic and it’s clear that the world is changing fast, and our challenges are advancing and multiplying. Emergencies abound.
Beacons signify emergencies, but they are also signs of hope. In spite of dire times, I still hold out hope for a better world. In fact, I see signs of it all around me.
I see people of color with unimaginable courage and resolve leading the long struggle for equality within brutally racist systems.
I see the long fight of the indigenous, still standing strong and still under threat today by old colonial objectives in new corporate clothes.
I see more and more white allies trying to get involved in genuinely supportive ways, as they begin to recognize the injustices all around them, past and present.
I see LGBTQ communities maintaining dignity and resilience as their rights are attacked again and again by people motivated by hatred and fear.
I see a rising global concern for the effects we are having on our ecosystems - concerns that give rise to real solutions. I see people standing up for their planet through ecological resistance and protection, revival of ancient wisdom, and brilliant innovation.
So many small and potent efforts are being carried out for the defense and betterment of people and planet. I see this for myself, over and over again. Almost all of them could do better with more support.
Social media can be great for raising awareness about issues, but without providing courses of action to meet the challenges on display, our feeds quickly become disheartening or trivial. Sharing, tweeting, liking, posting, re-posting - it all only goes so far. We need tools that propel our increasing awareness into effective action.
That is why I’ve devoted the better part of the last two years to Beacon. Good causes are already accomplishing great things. If people looking to get involved knew exactly how to give their support, how much more could be done?
Drops of water make up the ocean. When they move together, they make waves. We are the same, and if we use our technology and various gifts to work together, we can turn the tide of modern struggles everywhere.
That is the primary mission of Beacon. It is the reason I’m dedicated to this project, and why I am so grateful to you, whoever you are, for reading these words and being a part of this work!