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New Queer Book Club

  • The Beacon Network (map)

Youth OUTright presents their brand-new Queer Book Club! A book club for queer youth ages 11-24. This session they will be reading "The Spirit Bares Its Teeth" by Andrew Joseph White.

To be as accessible as possible, there will be two options to meet for the book club! They’ll be meeting virtually on Discord on May 28th from 4pm-6pm and in-person on June 14th from 4pm-5:30 pm at Firestorm Books! The book club will meet monthly on Discord and in-person dates are TBD after their first meeting in June.

Sign Up Required for the book club here -

Request a free copy of the book here which you can pick up either at a Wednesday Program or directly from Firestorm Books -

May 7

Disabled Jewish Farmers Zoom Meeting

June 2

Disabled Jewish Farmers Zoom Meeting